Steering Committee

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  • Co-Chairs (2024-2025 Membership Year): Charles Johnson (ADAH) and Meredith McDonough (ADAH)
  • Members (2024-2025 Membership Year): Emy Nelson Decker (University of Alabama); Charlie Gibbons (University of Alabama Huntsville -- Participant representative and ADPNet Treasurer); Charles Johnson and Meredith McDonough (co-representatives, ADAH); Winnie Schwaid-Lindner (LSU); Clint Bellanger (Auburn University); Caleb West (BPL)


You can contact the ADPNet Steering Committee for information or help by e-mailing the Chair. All ADPNet members are welcome to attend the monthly Steering Committee conference calls (see below).


4.0. Organization and Governance

The Alabama Digital Preservation Network is a membership organization governed by the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. ADPNet is managed by an appointed Steering Committee, a special committee of the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. The Steering Committee represents the Members and oversees the management and operation of ADPNet.

4.1. The ADPNet Steering Committee

The ADPNet Steering Committee consists of voting representatives appointed by each Member according to the membership categories as defined in Attachment 1. The term of service is one year, and representatives can be reappointed to subsequent annual terms. The Steering Committee is responsible for setting general ADPNet policy, reviewing and approving requests to join ADPNet, and reviewing and approving requests to increase ADPNet storage capacity. A majority of the membership of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of those committee members present at a meeting shall be required for action to be taken, with the exception of membership votes, which require a two-thirds favorable vote by the entire ADPNet Steering Committee (see Paragraph 2.1.2 above). Any representative at a member institution is eligible to serve as the Steering Committee Chair; appointment is by nomination or self-nomination (volunteering) and does not require a formal Steering Committee vote. The term of service is one year. In order to encourage broad participation in shared network governance among the member institutions, representatives from the same institution cannot serve consecutive terms as Chair.
ADPNet Governance Policy (as revised October 1, 2019)

ADPNet Steering Committee Conference Call

ADPNet Conference Call/Schedule